Best High Yielding Maize Varieties in Ghana BJAYSAM.COM

Best High Yielding Maize Varieties in Ghana


Maize holds a prominent position in Ghana’s agricultural landscape, serving as a staple food and a vital crop for livelihoods throughout the country. As the demand for food production continues to rise and climate change poses challenges, the cultivation of high-yielding maize varieties has become crucial. 

In this article, we will delve into the characteristics of these varieties, highlight popular options in Ghana, emphasize the significance of proper agronomic practices, and shed light on the available support and resources for farmers.

Selecting maize varieties with specific traits and attributes is imperative to achieve impressive yields. Several key characteristics contribute to the success of high-yielding maize varieties in Ghana. Notably, their ability to resist diseases and pests is a crucial factor. 

These varieties are purposefully bred to exhibit resistance against prevalent maize diseases such as maize streak virus and common rust, as well as pests like the maize weevil and fall armyworm. By withstanding these threats, farmers can mitigate losses and increase overall productivity.

In a country like Ghana, where periods of drought are commonplace, the selection of maize varieties with drought tolerance is of utmost importance. These varieties possess the ability to withstand water stress and continue growing under challenging conditions. Farmers can ensure a more stable yield even during prolonged dry spells by opting for drought-tolerant maize varieties.

High Yielding Maize Varieties in Ghana

Another significant attribute of high-yielding maize varieties is early maturity. Varieties with early maturity have shorter growing seasons, enabling farmers to harvest their crops sooner. This characteristic proves advantageous in areas with unpredictable weather patterns or limited access to irrigation facilities. Early maturing varieties empower farmers to avoid potential yield losses due to late-season drought or other climatic uncertainties.

Of course, the primary goal of cultivating high-yielding maize varieties is to obtain impressive yields. These varieties are purposefully bred to maximize their yield potential and optimize crop productivity. Farmers can increase their output, improve food security, and enhance their income by investing in high-yielding maize varieties.

Ghana has witnessed the successful adoption of several high-yielding maize varieties. Let’s explore some of the popular options:

List of High-Yielding Maize Varieties in Ghana

1. Golden Crystal

Golden Crystal (M.K Akposoe, Institution: CSIR-CRI): This yellow dent/flint maize variety has a maturity period of 105-110 days. It is suitable for poultry and livestock feed and is adapted to all agroecologies in Ghana. It was released as an open-pollinated variety (OPV) in 1972.

2. Obatanpa

Obatanpa (Institution: CSIR-CRI): This white dent maize variety matures in 105-110 days. It is a Quality Protein Maize (QPM) with excellent nutritional benefits for humans. It is suitable for all agroecologies in Ghana and was released as an OPV in 1992.

3. Mamaba

Mamaba (S.Twumasi-Afriyie, P.Y.K. Sallah, B.Badu-Apraku, K. Obeng-Antwi. Institution: CSIR-CRI): This white flint maize variety matures in 105-110 days. It is both drought-tolerant and QPM, providing enhanced nutrition. It is suitable for all agroecologies in Ghana and was released as an OPV in 1997.

4. Dadaba

Dadaba (S.Twumasi-Afriyie, P.Y.K. Sallah, B.Badu-Apraku, K. Obeng-Antwi. Institution: CSIR-CRI): This white flint maize variety matures in 105-110 days. It is also drought-tolerant and QPM, offering improved nutrition. It is suitable for all regions in Ghana and was released as an OPV in 1997.

5. Cida-ba

Cida-ba: This white flint maize variety matures in 105-110 days. It is drought-tolerant and QPM, contributing to better nutrition. It is suitable for all agroecologies in Ghana and was released as an OPV in 1997.

6. Dodzi

Dodzi (Institution: CSIR-CRI): This white flint/dent maize variety has a maturity period of 80-85 days. It is particularly useful for bridging the hunger gap before the main harvest. It is suited for Guinea and Sudan Savannah areas and was released as an OPV in 1997.

7. CSIR-Golden Jubilee 

CSIR-Golden Jubilee (M.B. Ewool, P.Y.K Sallah, K. Obeng-Antwi, M.S Abdulai. Institution: CSIR-CRI): This yellow dent/flint maize variety matures in 105-110 days. It is a QPM with additional benefits for poultry and livestock production. It enhances human nutrition and health and is most suitable for the forest and forest transition zones. It was released as an OPV in 2007.

8. CSIR-Azig

CSIR-Aziga (M.B. Ewool, P.Y.K Sallah, K. Obeng-Antwi, M.S Abdulai. Institution: CSIR-CRI): This yellow flint/dent maize variety matures in 105-110 days. It is a QPM offering improved nutrition and benefits for poultry and livestock. It is suitable for the forest and forest transition zones and was released as an OPV in 2007.

9. CSIR-Akposoe

CSIR-Akposoe (M.B. Ewool, P.Y.K Sallah, K. Obeng-Antwi, M.S Abdulai. Institution: CSIR-CRI): This white maize variety possesses specific characteristics, including seed color (white), days to 50% silk (51), plant height (90 cm), tassel color (cream purple), tassel arrangement (open and alternate), silk color (cream purple), and stem color (green with).

While high-yielding maize varieties offer immense potential, following proper agronomic practices to optimize their performance is crucial. Some key practices include soil preparation and fertilization, planting and spacing, weed and pest management, and irrigation and water management.

Proper soil preparation, which involves plowing, harrowing, and incorporating organic matter, is essential. Soil testing should be conducted to determine nutrient requirements, allowing for the application of appropriate fertilizers to ensure optimal maize growth and yield.

Employing proper planting techniques, such as using quality seeds, planting at the correct depth, and adhering to recommended spacing, plays a vital role in maximizing yield potential. Well-spaced plants facilitate better access to sunlight, air circulation, and nutrient absorption, ultimately resulting in healthier and more productive maize crops.

Effective weed and pest management are crucial to prevent yield losses. Employing timely and appropriate weed control methods, such as manual weeding or the use of herbicides, is important. Integrated pest management strategies, including the use of resistant varieties and natural enemies of pests, can help minimize the impact of insect pests on maize crops.

Proper irrigation and water management are essential for high-yielding maize production in areas with limited rainfall or erratic weather patterns. Farmers can adopt irrigation techniques like drip irrigation or use water-conserving practices such as mulching to ensure the plants receive adequate moisture during critical growth stages.

Farmers in Ghana have access to various support systems and resources to aid their cultivation of high-yielding maize varieties. Government agricultural extension services provide valuable guidance and technical support to farmers. 

Extension agents offer advice on improved agricultural practices, disseminate information on high-yielding maize varieties, and facilitate training programs to enhance farmers’ knowledge and skills.

Ghana’s research institutions and seed companies play a significant role in developing and disseminating high-yielding maize varieties. They conduct research to breed new varieties, test their performance, and make them available to farmers. Collaboration with these institutions can provide farmers with access to improved seeds and technical expertise.

The Ghanaian government has initiated various programs and initiatives to support maize farmers. These include subsidies for improved seeds, provision of agricultural machinery, and training programs on best agronomic practices. Farmers can take advantage of these programs to obtain quality seeds and benefit from additional support.

Final words

The cultivation of high-yielding maize varieties in Ghana holds immense potential for improving agricultural productivity, ensuring food security, and enhancing farmers’ livelihoods. Farmers can overcome challenges and increase their maize production by selecting varieties with disease resistance, drought tolerance, early maturity, and high yield potential. 

The success of high-yielding maize cultivation is further increased by adhering to good agronomic procedures, including soil preparation, appropriate planting techniques, weed and insect management, and effective water consumption. The path to a sustainable and successful future for maize farming in Ghana can be paved by seizing these chances and implementing improved maize varieties.

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