How to Update Jellyfin on Mac
Updating Jellyfin on Mac can be done by downloading the latest DMG, copying it to the Applications folder, and replacing the old version.
How to Update Jellyfin on Mac
1. Stop the Jellyfin server.
Locate the Jellyfin icon on the top-right corner of your macOS desktop’s Menubar.
Click on the Jellyfin icon and select “Quit Jellyfin Server” from the dropdown menu that appears.
Download the latest version:
2. Visit the macOS release page on the Jellyfin website.
Ensure that the version you are downloading is newer than the one currently installed on your system. You can find the version number in the filename.
3. Replace the existing server
After downloading the latest version, you will receive a notification indicating that a previous version of the Jellyfin server already exists within your applications folder.
Click on the “Replace” option to replace the old application with the new one.
Launch the updated server:
4. Locate the Jellyfin application and launch it
A standard macOS “new app” alert will appear, asking if you want to open an app downloaded from the internet.
Click on “Open” to start the server. Launching the new version will not impact your existing settings or media information.