How to buy WASSCE and SHS Placement results checker card Online BJAYSAM.COM

How to buy WASSCE and SHS Placement results checker card Online


The provisional results of students for the 2023 Basic Education Certificate Examination have been released. Following the release of the results, students are expected to use a scratch card to check their schools on the Computerised Schools Selection and Placement System (CSSPS) Portal. 

Before you begin, ensure that your phone is connected to the internet. This can be through mobile data or a Wi-Fi connection.

How to buy WASSCE or SHS Placement results checker card

  1. Visit the WAEC Scratch Card Checker portal.
  2. WAEC Scratch Card Type (e.g,. BECE, WASSCE, or SHS Placement Checker )
  3. Select the number of cards you want to buy.
  4. Click on the ‘Buy now’ button
  5. Fill in the details by adding your first name, last name, phone number, and email (please make sure to enter a correct email address as details of the results checker card will be sent to your email)
  6. Scroll down and click on “Proceed To Payment”.
  7. Select “Pay with Mobile Money” and enter your MoMo number.
  8. Click on ‘Confirm’.
  9.  Approve payment on your phone by entering your 4-digit Mobile Money Pin.
  10. After successful payment, the result checker voucher details (Serial and PIN) will be emailed. Please do not make the details public.

If you do not receive your purchased results checker, you can retrieve your WAEC or PLACEMENT checkers using your email address.

How to check your 2023 school placement at

1. Visit the school placement portal

2. Click on check placement

3. Enter your Index number

4. Enter your 10 digit E-voucher pin and

5. Enter your 5 digit PIN code

6. Click on proceed and wait a few minutes for the next window to display your school placement.

How to check WASSCE Results online

1. Visit the WASSCE result checking portal at 

2. Enter your Index Number.

3. Select the Type of Examination (e.g.  WASSCE).

4. Select your Examination Year e.g. 2023.

5. Enter the Serial Number found on the Voucher.

6. Enter the 12-digit Personal Identification Number (PIN) on your Voucher e.g. 012345678912.

7. Confirm your Index Number and Examination Year. This is to ensure that your examination information is correct.

8. Click on Submit and wait for the display in the popup window. This may take several minutes.

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