How do you activate Snapchat AI?

How do you activate Snapchat AI?

Here are the steps to clear cache and restart Snapchat to check if My AI is available:

Here are the steps to clear cache and restart Snapchat to check if My AI is available:

On iPhone Go to device settings. Select 'Snapchat.'

On iPhone Go to device settings. Select 'Snapchat.'

Tap on 'Clear Cache.' Restart the app to check if My AI is available.

Tap on 'Clear Cache.' Restart the app to check if My AI is available.

On Android Long-press on the Snapchat app icon on the home screen or app drawer.

On Android Long-press on the Snapchat app icon on the home screen or app drawer.

Tap on the 'i' in the pop-up menu.

Tap on the 'i' in the pop-up menu.

Go to 'Storage & cache'.

Go to 'Storage & cache'.

Select 'Clear cache' on the next page.

Select 'Clear cache' on the next page.

Restart the app.

Restart the app.